As an experienced web-designer, you're probably aware of the importance of keeping visitors on your website for as long as possible. Whether you are advertising a product or service for another company, or selling your own products and services, you know that the more time a visitor spends browsing your website, the more likely they are to make a purchase, or at the very least, refer your website to someone else. Because so many web-designers focus on the technical and functional aspects of a website, they often forget that for e-commerce websites and those advertising a product or service, it is often the emotional connection a visitor makes with your website that can be the tipping point for their decision to do business with you or not.
There are various factors involved in keeping a visitor interested and connected with your website: design and layout, ease of finding information, and artistic design. Because so many websites - even those created for large companies fall short in these areas, they often publish websites that provide an unflattering image of their business due to poor design and a visually unappealing look to their website. It is surprising how many poorly-designed websites for large companies there are; however, many companies have caught onto the fact that websites have become a primary form of advertising, with many benefits that go beyond other forms of advertising - such as TV, radio and print media.
Make It Entertaining.
Most successful interactive ad agencies realize that one very effective way of keeping a visitor at their website is to make the website experience less boring and more entertaining, thus enhancing the emotional connection a visitor makes with their product or service, while at the same time creating an experience that makes the visitor less likely to leave their website quickly. Background music can be a great tool to help create brand identity as well as create the right type of mood to highlight the product or service being advertised on the website. For instance, a website for a popular nightclub might use some kind of jazz or blues music to set the mood and entice the visitor to check out their venue. Or a website advertising an action movie might make use of a tense orchestral soundtrack as background music for the website.
Many web-designers often find it difficult to implement background music into their websites - often because of the skill required to properly edit existing music tracks to cleanly loop during playback or streaming over the internet, so that the visitor does not hear an audible 'glitch' when the music track repeats. Other issues can arise due to concerns over bandwidth and load-times for music tracks; in addition to the difficulty in finding the right music to suit the needs of the client and their product or service being advertised on the website.
Our solution.
EZ Edit Music was born out of the idea that web-designers and interactive advertising agencies often do not have the time or budget to hire a commercial composer to create a specifically-tailored soundtrack for their website; but have also found it difficult to find music that not only fits the necessary mood, but is also prepared in a format that is ready for internet streaming. All of our music tracks have been specifically composed and edited to be used as website background music soundtracks, saving you the time and cost of hiring a music editor to prepare an existing licensed music track for internet streaming (which typically costs more than the license fee for one of our music tracks). Our music library is constantly growing and offers a wide variety of music to suit many different industries and services. We have also created a unique search engine to help take the guesswork out of choosing the right kind of music; plus the ability for you to audition and experiment with re-mixes for any song before you license a music track from us. We invite you to explore what we have to offer by visiting us at:
In future issues, we will cover more in-depth topics related to using and preparing background music for websites.
Until next time,
EZ Edit Music
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